One of the things we enjoy the most about being Trumbull’s hometown florist is that we get to participate in your lives in a small way, every day. From new babies to anniversaries, from Thanksgiving centerpieces to Valentine’s Day bouquets – flowers from City Line Florist have likely been a part of your celebrations over the years. We’ve shared happy times, and poignant times – and sometimes, we just like to have a little fun! In preparation for some of our favorite holidays of the year – starting with Halloween – we thought we would share some memories from last year’s Pet Costume competition. These photos still make us smile!

This little guy looks perfectly happy as a bumblebee, and is so tiny those wings might actually carry him. And wait a minute – what’s this? The hive must have been hopping, because we got another adorable bee entrant, complete with seasonal props! 
This black guinea pig makes a pretty little witch, don’t you think? We love that this bewitching pet was not intimidated at being the only non-canine in the group.

Lord Vader made an impressive entrance last year, but we do have a hard time believing that this handsome boy could ever have a dark side. Still, he’s got that steely stare down!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 were never this cute, although we wonder if these two fur babies are as mischievous as their namesakes. We refuse to believe that they are anything but good boys!

If you have a pet who you dress up for Halloween, be on the lookout for this year’s pet costume contest. Follow us on Facebook, and enter your cute, funny, or ridiculous dressed-up pet for a chance to win.
And don’t forget, come see City Line Florist for all of your seasonal floral needs – we have autumn centerpieces, fall bouquets, and a collection of Halloween-inspired designs that will add spooky fun to your home decor.