City Line Florist

City Line Florist

Posted by City Line Florist on July 24, 2020 | Last Updated: February 19, 2021 Uncategorized

Signs Your Plant Is Not Getting Enough Light

Plants are amazing to have around the house – personally, we’d put one in every room, nook, and cranny. However, as appealing as that would look, it may not be the best spot for a plant that needs plenty of light, and, really, most plants do need lots and lots of light. If you want to be sure your plants are receiving enough light to fully grow and thrive, then check the tips below we here at City Line Florist put together for you so you’ll plant stay happy and flourishing.

Signs Your Plant Has Insufficient Light


Leggy is a word that refers to plants with stems that have become long and skinny as it strives to reach for adequate light. Also, large spaces between adjacent leaves are another indication of insufficient light.

Smaller Leaves

If a plant’s new growth is producing significantly smaller leaves, then it’s likely lacking the energy to produce larger ones. Just compare new growth to growth the plant had when healthy to see if there is marked difference. If so, move your light to a better-lit area.


Plants will do what they need to survive which includes twisting, turning, and reaching for light in an attempt to absorb as much as possible. This can cause the plant to become lopsided or one-sided. Remedy this by placing your plant closer to its light source and give it a slight turn every week so then entire plants benefits from plenty of light.

Leggy Plant
Leaning Plant
Healthy Plants

Abnormal Leaf Color

Pale green and yellow leaves that drop off are a sure sign of inadequate sunlight. Also, with variegated plants, the leaves will revert to a solid green color so the chlorophyll within can do its job. If your typically colorful plant has lost its color, move it to a sunnier place and see its color return.

Slowed Growth or No New Growth

Plants get their energy from the sun and use it as food to grow big, flourish, and develop blossoms if they’re supposed to. Without enough light, the growing process becomes significantly slowed or stunted due to a lack of energy to facilitate the growing process.

Getting the Light Right

If you see any of the above signs of light deficiency in your plants, then do what you can to improve the amount of light they are getting. This could be as simple as moving it closer to a window, opening the blinds or curtains more, or putting the plants in a window that gets more sun naturally, like a southerly or westerly facing window.

Remember, though, only sun-worshipping plants such as succulents, cacti, or palm trees should be in direct sunlight for more than 6 hours a day. Indirect bright light, which is somewhat diffused, is better suited for almost all other indoor plants except shade-loving ones like ferns and orchids.

It may take some trial and error to find the perfect amount of lighting for your plants, but just know they will let you know if they’re in trouble, so long as you know what to look for.