Fairfield (CT) Flower, Plant, & Gift Delivery
City Line Florist is proud to be your Fairfield, Connecticut florist, flower shop. We offer something for every of life's events. Looking for the perfect Birthday selection, new baby flowers, get well, or just trying to say thank you? Be sure to click on the occasions link above. For custom designs, please call the number listed above. One of our floral design experts is standing by to assist you with all your gift-giving needs. We offer same-day delivery to Fairfield hospitals, funeral homes, churches, local businesses, and nationwide. Check out some of our best sellers in Fairfield, Connecticut!
City Line Florist strives to bring you the highest-quality flowers and plants available with the best customer service possible. City Line Florist delivers flowers in Fairfield, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Thank you for shopping with your local, family-owned florist.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee Since 1918
Same Day Delivery to Fairfield, CT, or Nationwide
ZIP Codes Served
06824, 06825, 06828
Frequently Asked Questions
Where in Fairfield, Connecticut does City Line Florist offer same-day delivery?
🌼 City Line Florist delivers to the entirety of Fairfield, Connecticut, including all hospitals, homes, funeral homes, schools, businesses, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and more!
Why is City Line the best florist in Fairfield, Connecticut?
🌼 City Line Florist is proud to be your local florist, with more than 100 years of experience and an absolute commitment to your happiness means that you will be sure to find the perfect gift to bring joy!
What are some customer favorites in Fairfield?
🌼 Our customers in Fairfield love bright bouquets that feature fresh favorites like Gerbera Daisies, hydrangeas, and tulips! If you can’t find exactly what you are looking for in our robust online catalog, give us a call! We cannot wait to create a beautiful custom bouquet.
Can City Line do weddings or events in Fairfield?
🌼 We love doing weddings and events. In order to make the perfect arrangements for your big event, we would prefer to have a one-on-one meeting. Give us a call to make an appointment with our wedding designer.
Can I order something other than flowers from City Line?
🌼 City Line Florist offers a wide selection of plants, gourmet gift baskets, and heartfelt keepsakes. We could not be more thrilled to help you find the perfect gift!