Trumbull's local florist for 107 years and four generations.

Mc Clam Funeral Home

Mc Clam Funeral Home

McClam Funeral Home | New Haven (CT) Flower, Plant, & Gift Delivery

Send beautiful flowers, plants, and gifts to McClam Funeral Home in New Haven, Connecticut from your trusted local flower shop, City Line Florist. We would be honored to serve you as you pay tribute to your lost loved ones, if you are celebrating a life exuberantly lived, or if you are looking to bring joy to your bereaved loved ones. City Line Florist has a gorgeous selection of standing sprays, wreaths, hearts, urn arrangements, casket sprays, tributes for the home, green plants, blooming baskets, gourmet goodies, heartfelt gifts, and so much more.

Connect with City Line Florist today.

Business Address
95 Dixwell Ave
New Haven, CT 06511

Delivery Directory